Tuesday, September 8, 2009

My job with salvia divinorum extracts

Hello dear readers, now that I'm the manufacturer of the production of salvia extract I'm gonna tell you a story about an error I had while at work.

The equipment to extract Salvinorin-A is a professional grade one, we use lab glass regularly called "Pyrex", which is more chemically resistant than regular glassware, and it's also resistant to sudden temperature changes, or at least that's what I thought.

I'm in charge of 2 extractors made of glass, fairly big, but light enough to handle it with both of my hands. We need to wash both of them every time after we finish an extraction.

Of course with that amount of orders, you have to clean it fast to have it ready for the next salvia divinorum extraction. So the equipment is still warm after I empty the glass container of our extractors. Unfortunately I accidentally hit the container on the table strong enough to make a crack in its bottom.

I was amazed that never happened before, because I used to accidentally hit those glass recipients with at least the same strength a lot of times, but this time it made a fisure.

After thinking thoroughly about what happened, I think that the reason for the fracture was the temperature of the  glass recipient, which it was warm at that time.

I'll cool them down from now on, don't care if it takes longer.